Wednesday 1st September 2021


What is Correx?

Correx is a corrugated plastic sheeting and is available in a range of sizes.

It is a durable yet cheap solution if you are looking to display your signs for a short amount of time.

Probably its biggest asset is that it is 100% Recyclable, so you won’t feel guilty about binning it (provided you do recycle it).

Why use it?

It is the perfect material for indoor or outdoor events as it is tough and weatherproof.

We can direct print any design of your choosing onto Correx. Our Kongsberg milling machine will easily cut it to size too.

It is the ideal material, as we can print and cut your job quickly and easily on it. This means you won’t have to wait too long to receive your chosen sign*.

Where is it commonly used?

You will find that Correx in a range of places. You will probably drive past it every day as it is often used for “to let” & “for sale” signs for estate agents.

Other places you might see it used is at festivals/events. The plus side is that you can use it anywhere, as a cheap solution for almost any temporary signage.

Our Correx options…

– 4mm x 1220 x 2440mm –
Pro’s – Most affordable option, Easy to cut
Con’s – Not as strong

– 6mm x 1220 x 2440mm –
Pro’s – Good all-rounder

– 10mm x 1220 x 2440mm –
Pro’s – Super Strong
Con’s – Can’t be cut on milling table


Estate Agent Board size (813 x 610mm) – prices start at £13.50+vat**


For an affordable, temporary solution, use Correx.

Contact our team today to see how we can help.


*Wait times dependant on current company workload.
**Not including artwork, installation or delivery. Minimum order value of £40+vat