Monday 1st November 2021

£1k Charity Giveaway

It’s back!

It’s time for our Annual Charity Giveaway. Last year we gave away £1,000 of Mint Signs Credit and this year we’re doing the same.

We’re giving away £1,000 worth of Mint Signs produced Signs, Graphics and/or Stationery to a local charity. This money can go a long way towards helping your charity advertise and reach a wider audience.

Which charity?

It’s up to you to help us decide.

To nominate your chosen charity, visit one of our social media channels and mention them in the £1k Charity Giveaway posts. Or, inform them of our giveaway and get them to put themselves forward for nomination.

The more mentions, likes & shares for your charity, the better their chances of winning. The competition runs until the 16th January 2022.


2020 Winners

Last years winners, The Hawk Conservancy Trust, rallied their fans for a landslide victory. Who will do the same this year?

For full terms and conditions, visit the £1k Charity Giveaway page on the website.