Monday 12th February 2024

New Year, New Signage? 

The start of a new year is always a popular time for refreshing, revamping and trying a new look. Your business and branding are no exception! If you spent January letting the dust from the festive period settle, then February could be the perfect time for a fresh outlook for you and your business. 


If you’re looking for a way to freshen up your brand then you’re in the right place! This article will take you through a step-by-step process of how to audit your current signage, spot any gaps and help you ascertain whether you could do with some new signage. 


And with January being finally over and daffodils appearing in the shops, you can’t blame us for starting to think about a little signage spring clean! 


Where to start? A Customer Walkthrough

A great place to start is putting yourselves directly in your customer’s shoes and walking in their footsteps. What is the first thing your customer sees when they arrive at your business?


Mint Signs Top Tip! During your walkthrough, make a list and take photos of what your customers will be seeing in terms of signage so you can look back at them afterwards and discuss with colleagues. Remember to bear in mind what customers see during the day as well as at night. 


How do your customers find you?

If your customers arrive by car, is there a sign to show they’re in the right place? Perhaps you have a Panel and Post sign to welcome them. Is it obvious where they can park? Maybe there’s a plaque on the building or a mini Panel and Post sign with your branding on it so they know which spaces are for your customers. 

For customers arriving on foot, perhaps you have a Pavement Sign or A Board outside the front ready to entice people in. When they look up, there should be a large external Fascia sign or Retail Sign that clearly signals your business. You might even have a Projection and Swing sign to match your A Board and Fascia. 

Are you utilising window space? Effective Window Vinyl is a great way of reaching out to customers that are passing by, whether it’s decorative or informative. There are so many options to use this in a creative and innovative way.

Through the door

Your customer has stepped through the door and is now inside – What leaps out at them first? If your business offers a service, are the options clearly visible and accessible? If you’re a coffee shop then you want your menu boards to be clear and appealing. Do those menu boards match the menus on the tables? Maybe your POS desk matches the branding on your Fascia and A Board. Perhaps there’s matching branding via some clever Wall Graphics behind the friendly face of the staff member that welcomes them in for their hair appointment. 


If your office isn’t immediately obvious when a customer steps in the door, is there appropriate Wayfinding Signage on the walls? Is it obvious that they are in the right building – Perhaps with your branded business name on the wall via 3D Build Up lettering, Flat Cut signs or some creative Wall Vinyl? If you have a welcome desk, does this match your business branding? 

Time to go

Hopefully, your customer will have found they are in the right place and accessed the service you are offering. It’s now time for them to go – Is it clear where the exit is? 


What stationery could they leave with to encourage them back again another time? Branded business cards, booklets, leaflets and brochures are all ways for your customer to carry your business with them after they’ve left. 


This is a great time of year to give your stationary a refresh – Especially if you’re revamping other areas of your branding and signage. 


Walkthrough Complete

Now that you’ve completed your customer walkthrough, you can work out if there’s anything missing. What signage would make a useful addition to what you’ve already got? 


Here’s a handy list of what you might have found on your walkthrough:


  • Welcome Panel and Post sign to car park / premises
  • Car Parking Spaces signs
  • A Board
  • Fascia
  • Projection and Swing sign
  • Wall plaque
  • Window Vinyl
  • Wayfinding Signage
  • Wall Graphics 
  • Wall Signage e.g. 3D Build Up lettering, Flat Cut signs
  • Welcome Desk 
  • Menu / Services Board
  • Menus
  • Stationery
  • Exit Sign


If you’re happy that you’ve got all the necessary signage to see a customer through their journey into your business then next it’s time to determine if these need an update. 


Signage Audit


Now you have a list of all your current signage, complete with photos, you can determine where things might need a bit of freshening up. 


Here are some questions you might like to ask yourself when you’re looking through the photos of your current signage.


Firstly, are there any signage gaps? 

For example, if you stood outside and noticed that quite a few of your competitors have Pavement Signs / A Boards outside the front of their business, you might want to consider investing in one yourself. 

Are the exterior signs still looking good? 

Your external signs, like the Fascia or Wall Plaques are often the first impression a customer gets of your business. If they’re looking a little faded or shabby, or some of the lights don’t work, is that an accurate representation of how you want people to view your business? Maybe they need updating to reflect the true energy behind your business. 

Mint Signs Top Tip! Do you have lighting on your external signage? Does it all still work or does it need replacing? If you don’t have any lighting on your external signage – Do you need it? Maybe now is the time to invest. 


Does your Wayfinding signage make sense? 

Is the information on your Wayfinding signage correct and up to date? Is it clear enough? Can your customers find you easily? You want all the answers to these questions to be yes! 

Is your signage cohesive?

Does your business branding run consistently throughout all your signage? Do your signs match in terms of branding, colour, font, imagery? If your welcome Panel and Post sign at the front is a completely different colour to your Fascia, will that be confusing to customers? If you’ve re-branded internally, but the external signage doesn’t match, now might be the time to make it all more cohesive. 

Does your signage communicate your brand’s message?

If your signage doesn’t convey the energy or main message behind your business, then it might be time to freshen things up. Designing and installing signage that reflects your brand will familiarise your customers with who you are as a business as well as creating a sense of team belonging for employees. 


Is your signage compliant?

Make sure that your signage is in-keeping with any relevant legislation. Ensure that you are up to date with safety signage and that no current safety signage needs any maintenance. If you are planning new signage, make sure that you check to see if they are subject to any planning permission. 


When was the last time you freshened up your brand image?

People notice when things change – It’s a chance to shout out to customers and remind them you’re there! If you haven’t refreshed your signage in a while, then now could be a great time to do so. Think about your logo, brand colours, fonts and messages and whether everything needs an overhaul, or if your signage could just do with a freshen up. Remember to keep your brand at the heart of the decisions you make. 


New Signage for a New Year with Mint Signs


If after your signage audit you think your business could do with a freshen up, then get in touch with our friendly team today. 


We can help with the entire process – From design, to production, to installation. 


Let’s refresh your signage this February so you’re looking fresh and shiny for the Spring!